Center Stage with Jensen Jeffers

Meet Jensen Jeffers!

The first edition of our new series, Center Stage, features one of our talented Apprentices, Miss Jensen Jeffers.

Jensen is a member of the Apprentice Competitive Team here at Avant Garde Theatre of Dance. She is 6 years old and is so talented, she was graduated into the Intermediate level 6 months early. She currently takes Intermediate Ballet 3 days per week, Intermediate Contemporary 1 day, Intermediate Jazz 1 day, and Intermediate Acrobatics 1 day. 

"She's an extremely hard worker with a very positive attitude," says Miss Sarah.

Miss Jensen is in first grade. She loves her "tiny wiener dog," Dakota and when asked what her favorite class at Avant Garde was, she responded "Jazz! I love Miss Sydney!"

We asked Miss Jensen, what is it about Avant Garde that you love so much? She immediately responded, "I love my dance school because I love to dance all kinds of dances!" Which is exactly what she proves by her commitment to learning.

Jensen is super excited about being a member in the Competitive Program at Avant Garde Theatre of Dance. When asked what excites her the most, she stated "That we can show off things like ballet, that is slow and pretty, and then jazz wakes you up!" She also mentioned she had a lot of friends at Avant Garde, like Erika, Lynny, Sasha and so many others. 

We wanted to know, what do you think about Miss Sarah? She didn't hesitate in saying "She's really, really nice. She teaches dance and she's never grouchy!"

So finally, before we let Miss Jensen get back to her dedicated training routine, we had to ask one last question; How hard are you going to practice, so you can win a trophy when you compete? And without skipping a beat, Miss Jensen responded... "Really Hard!"


  1. Miss Jensen is a very talented, hard working, sweet and funny! She is my niece and I love her so much! Good job Jensen! Keep up the good work!


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